When you send a promotional gift to a customer you want them to remember you. I mean surely you are sending a gift to show appreciation of the business that they send you but also you are sending it because you want them to think of you when they next require your services or products. Chocolates are a good start.
There are thousands of promotional products out there and they all serve their purpose. Whether it is a promotional pen or lanyards your customer will have something that they need and that can be branded with your logo. As great as these and other promotional gifts may be there is one gift that you can be sure your customer will undoubtably love.
Promotional Chocolate
Chocolates! Custom chocolates and promotional chocolates are one of the most popular corporate gifts out there. They are inexpensive, loved by almost everyone and most of all they are delicious. Customer branded chocolates are not just something you should find on your hotel pillow, although it is great when you do. Custom promotional chocolates are something that every marketing department in the world should be giving their customers on a regular basis. Who out there has not welcomed being given a chocolate as a gift. Promotional chocolates are usually small so they are quick to eat and because of their size they don’t carry the guilt associated with eating a larger sweet.
Chocolate tastes good and cam be good for you (in moderation)
The other thing about chocolate is that in small doses they are actually good for you. So not only do they give you a good feeling when you have one, which is scientifically proven to assist with mental health, they can also benefit your physical well-being. Although the benefit vary depending on whether you eat dark or milk chocolate the truth is that chocolate does actually contain some essential minerals.
In a 100g of milk chocolate you will find, amongst other things, significant quantities of Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus. So while it is never a good idea to eat too much of any energy rich food a bit of chocolate can be good for you. And if you eat dark chocolate than the effects are multiplied whilst being less energy rich than milk chocolate.
So you see the next time you are thinking of giving your customers a thoughtful promotional gift give customer chocolates a go. Your customers will love you and you actually might be doing them some good.